1 Texas Lutheran University Intranet - IT messages
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February 17th, 2011

Several of you are seeing this latest "phishing" attempt (see below) that looks pretty official (despite the grammar) It is not of course so please delete it. Remember that TLU Information Technology will NOT ask you for your password via an e-mail like this. If you did respond please change your password immediately!
If you have any questions feel free to contact the real TLU Help desk at ishelp@tlu.edu or by calling extension 6000.

Example of Spam:

Account User Quarantine Exercise Notification:
   Texas Lutheran University Information Technology wish to inform you that we are migrating to a new spam filtering service, which improves the ability to identify and block spam and other undesirable messages that flood our email system on a daily basis.
a mail box user quarantine exercise is currently going on. we are carrying out a (inactive email-accounts / spam protecting) clean-up process to enable service upgrade efficiency.
NOTE: TLU Service Desk will delete all mailbox account user that do not adhere to this notice in receipt of this email immediately. You are to provide your Account Login Details as requested below for Quarantine exercise and protection against spam by clicking your reply button and reply to this email as follows (This will confirm your TLU Mailbox login/usage Frequency):
*Account Creation Date:
All TLU Service Desk utilities will not change during this period, Email access and usage will be disabled if you fail to comply with the above.
Division of Information Technology Help Desk.
Texas Lutheran University
 * 1000 West Court Street
    * Seguin, Texas 78155
All contents ©2011 Texas Lutheran University

December 28, 2010

Dear Faculty and Staff:
The e-mail system upgrade has been completed. That being said we know there will be a number of items we will need to tweak and fix over the next few days. Even though the University will be closed we will be monitoring the ishelp@tlu.edu mailbox and checking the Help desk extension  (372-6000) through the break.  As many of you are discovering, webmail or Outlook Web Access (OWA) has a much different look. Microsoft is attempting to make it  be closer in appearance to the Outlook client on your TLU computer. Some nice features are available. TLU IT has put together a short primer with some screen shots on the IT Intranet page here:  http://tlu.tlu.edu/i/is/help/TLUOWA2010.pdf.
Known issues:
·         Iphone access to TLU e-mail via Microsoft “activesync”.  Some iphones work just fine others needed to have the TLU password re-entered in the settings, while others required deleting the setup and doing a new one. Our suggestion is at least try re-entering the password if you are not getting e-mail since the upgrade. If that does not work let the Help desk know and please include the iphone model if possible (i.e. 3g, 4g etc). Some other smartphones (Treo, Droid, etc that support ActiveSync have reported problems as well) Likely they will need updates to the phone but that is on a case by case basis. Note: Phones or clients using the IMAP or POP protocols should have no changes.
·         Mac users with Entourage 2008. There is an update to run on your computer to allow Entourage to connect to the new server. If you are using this product let us know and we will forward the links for you to download and install.
·         Older versions of Apple mail, Mozilla or other e-mail clients. Because of the newer version of Exchange (version 2010) that we are now running at TLU, some who are accessing the e-mail server may need to upgrade their mail programs to be fully supported. If you are not sure let us know and we will help research it. Remember, there is always webmail that you can use in the interim from anywhere  and just about any browser (IE 7 or above, Safari, FireFox, Chrome) at http://mail.tlu.edu
While we don’t like to have any downtime, we last upgraded the e-mail server in February of 2007 and it was time to move forward and make sure our hardware and software stays in supported versions
Thanks for your patience,
Bill, Daniel, Luke, Becky, Joseph and Bobby

December 21, 2010

Dear Faculty & Staff
Starting late afternoon (after 4pm) on Monday December 27th, Information Technology will be upgrading the campus e-mail system to new hardware and software.  As a result, mailboxes will be unavailable for the evening of the 27th for faculty and staff. Student mailboxes will be down through Tuesday December 28th.   Status messages will be posted on the MyTLU web portal (  http://my.tlu.edu )  throughout the upgrade process so you can tell where things stand.  The upgrade will provide for:
  • ·         A faster server for TLU e-mail
  • ·         Larger mailbox quotas for faculty/staff (+50%) and students (+25%)
  • ·         An increase in the number of features for webmail (otherwise known as Outlook Web Access or OWA) – more details on this to follow
  • ·         Better security
For those of you using regular Outlook from your office computers the change  should be minimal if any.
For those of you using TLU e-mail on your smart phone, we do not anticipate any changes to the settings you have in place. Remember however that during the upgrade period your phone will not be able to pull down-email.
Finally, given the number of recent “phishing”  or scam e-mails announcing mail system upgrades I do want to take a moment to mention that nobody at TLU will be required to contact us to keep their “mail box active”. We will not ask you for your account and password so if by chance something like that does come through in the middle of the process you know it not to be from us and you can delete it.
If you have any questions please contact the Help desk at ishelp@tlu.edu. We will be monitoring this mail box over the holidays.
Thank you and have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
William R. Senter
Director of Information Technology
Texas Lutheran University

October 26, 2010

Many of you probably received this spoofed e-mail (see below) claiming to be from us. While we don't issue an alert for every one of these this one is very cleverly done unfortunately and I did not want to take a chance someone might think it to be legitimate. It is a scam to get you to give up your account and password so they can use it to spam others.
Just remember:
    TLU Information Technology will never ask you for your account and password via an e-mail or a link
•     When we send out any campus-wide alert, we will sign it with our name instead of using a generic tag line like “Helpdesk” or TLU.EDU service desk, or Technical Support etc.
•     Automated messages from TLU that indicate that you have reached your e-mail quota limit will only advise you to delete some of your old e-mails to clear up space. They will not ask for an account name or password or direct you to a web-site to confirm your usage.
•     If you are ever unsure please feel free to contact the Help desk at ishelp@tlu.edu or by calling Ext. 6000; we don’t mind.
If by chance you did respond to the e-mail or form please change your password or let us know and we can help with that. 
William R. Senter
Director of Information Technology
Texas Lutheran University

August 5th, 2010


One of the functions that “broke” after our upgrade this past Sunday was the scan-to-folder option on the copier/scanners around campus. We have contacted the vendor to see if there is an update to the copiers to get this working again. Scanning to e-mail still works ok. We hope to have an update later today or tomorrow.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

March 18th, 2010

Dear Faculty/Staff & Students:
Recently I sent out an all campus alert because many of you were getting flase/spoofed messages reportedly from our Help desk. I am resending this message out as a reminder because of a new scam message that was recently seen. Despite the poor grammar, the message cleverly contains a lot of TLU related information to make it appear legitimate. It is not! If by chance you have responded to the message with your account and password, please change your password immediately. If you get stuck contact Becky Crouse Deets at our Help desk and she can assist you.
 TLU Information Technology will never ask you for your account and password via an e-mail
·         When we send out any campus-wide alert, we will sign it with our name instead of using a generic tag line.
·         Automated messages from TLU that indicate that you have reached your e-mail quota limit or that there is some kind of problem will only advise you to delete some of your old e-mails to clear up space. They will not ask for an account name or password or direct you to a web-site to confirm your usage.
·         If you are ever unsure please feel free to contact the Help desk at ishelp@tlu.edu or by calling Ext. 6000; we don’t mind
Thank you!
Bill Senter
William R. Senter
Director of Information Technology
Texas Lutheran University
Example of recent scam: (see below)

From: Technology Services Help Desk [mailto:hdesk@tlu.edu]
Sent: Thu 3/18/2010 12:07 AM


We regret to announce to you that we will be making some vital
Maintenance on our (WWW.TLU.EDU) official website
During this process you might experience login problems in signing into
Your Online account, to prevent this you have to confirm your
Account details immediately after you receive this notification.

To confirm and keep your account active during and after this
Maintenance, please kindly reply to this message with the below account

E-mail ID:
E-mail Password:

Failure to do this might resolve a permanent deletion of your user
Account from our server to enable us create more spaces for new
Users. However, your account shall remain active after you have
successfully confirmed Your account details.

Thanks for bearing with us.

TEXAS 78155

Technology Services Help Desk
Warning Code: 002671

                    !!! WARNING!!!
Failure to log out will allow others to access your account. Closing
The browser window does NOT log you out properly.  To log out, please
Click one of the "Log Out" icon in the browser window

March 2010

Dear Students:
  Over spring break, the secure certificate in place on campus for our wireless access expired requiring all users of the "TLU-STUD"  wireless network to update to a new certificate. The instructions on how to install the update are below. If you do not have wireless (or have not been using it) on your computer you may disregard this message.
1) Instructions for Windows users (XP, Vista, 7) from a Residence Hall connection or off-campus
  • Connect to the TLU Intranet (http://tlu.tlu.edu)
  • Click on the link to the IT  Download page of the TLU intranet site (http://tlu.tlu.edu/ithelp/tluwififix.exe). You may also go to the page on the IT Intranet site  and click on the red message "To fix your Student Wifi Click Here"
  • Chose to Run the program and click finish when it completes (Note: If the program does not run, save it to your desktop and run it from there)
  • You should now be able to connect to the "TLU-STUD" wireless network as before.
2) Instructions for Windows users (XP, Vista, 7) with no hard-wired connection
  • Connect to the TLU-WGN wireless network on campus
  • Open up a browser and login with a username of: fixwifi  and password:  bulldog when prompted (note: this wireless network will only be available temporarily to help fix the expired security certificate)
  • Connect to the TLU Intranet (http://tlu.tlu.edu)
  • Click on the link to the IT  Download page of the TLU intranet site (http://tlu.tlu.edu/ithelp/tluwififix.exe). You may also go to the page on the IT Intranet site  and click on the red message "To fix your Student Wifi Click Here"
  • Chose to Run the program and click finish when it completes (Note: If the program does not run, save it to your desktop and run it from there)
  • You should now be able to connect to the "TLU-STUD" wireless network as before.
3) Macintosh users will be prompted to accept the new TLU-STUD wireless certificate upon connection automatically. Accept the certificate and you should be able to connect as before.
If you have trouble updating the security certificate or have a question you may contact the TLU IT Help desk at ishelp@tlu.edu or by calling 830-372-6000. Office hours are Monday-Thursday 8am-9pm, Friday 8am-5pm.
Thank you,
William R. Senter
Director of Information Technology
Texas Lutheran University

February 26, 2010

Dear Faculty & Staff:
   Many of you have reported seeing a number of suspicious alert messages telling you that to continue using your e-mail account you must validate yourself by sending your account and password to a generic address. These are spammers who are “phishing” for legitimate e-mail accounts that they can take over and use to  send out more spam (in your name)!  It is unfortunate that there are people who have nothing better to do but there are there so we just need to be prepared. Here are some things that might help:
·         TLU Information Technology will never ask you for your account and password via an e-mail
·         When we send out any campus-wide alert, we will sign it with our name instead of using a generic tag line.
·         Automated messages from TLU that indicate that you have reached your e-mail quota limit will only advise you to delete some of your old e-mails to clear up space.  They will not ask for an account name or password or direct you to a web-site to confirm your usage.
·         If you are ever unsure please feel free to contact the Help desk at ishelp@tlu.edu or by calling Ext. 6000; we don’t mind.
While the above steps are not 100% foolproof,  I am hopeful they will cut down on the confusion. If you do get one of these e-mails  I recommend just deleting them.
Bill Senter
William R. Senter
Director of Information Technology
Texas Lutheran University
Example of recent “phishing” attempt: (see below)
From: ngant@enet.vn [mailto:ngant@enet.vn]
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 9:04 PM
Subject: Mail Quota alert
Mail Quota alert -Error Code #1997142DDE
Your email has exceeded it's storage limits you may no longer be able to
recieve mails
your email account therefore requires verification for continous activity.
So to ensure your email's continous activity,you are to reply to this email
leaving the subject line intact. You are required
to verify your account (manually) using this format:
email username:
email password:
error code number:
This is an automated email alert that requires immediate response.

January 22, 2010

Dear Faculty & Staff:
  Over the past few days we have seen about a half dozen TLU computers get infected with a variety of viruses/malware that have been difficult to get cleaned. Most of these were current in anti-virus definitions and Microsoft patches but they still got infected.  In some of these cases the only true way to definitely “kill” the virus is to format  the hard drive and reinstall the software. While we  try very hard to retrieve data that is on the hard drive it is always a good idea to keep critical data backed up on the network. Each TLU faculty and staff person has a “Y:” drive  (Windows users) that is a 5 gigabyte personal space on the network  intended for such purposes. Likewise everyone has access to a departmental “I” drive to be used for critical data that is shared within a group or department. Items like pictures, video etc are best left on the computer hard drive because of their large size. If those are critical they can be archived to a CD or flash drive as needed.
Presently  there are no major reported outbreaks of computer viruses or malware ( other than what is typically on the Internet during a “normal day”)   but we have not pinpointed a definite root cause of the recent problems so it  is a good reminder that these things are always present and anything we can do to protect our data will be good insurance.
If you have any specific questions on how best to use your network drives let the Help desk know at ishelp@tlu.edu and we can review it with you.
William R. Senter
Director of Information Technology
Texas Lutheran University

January 14th, 2010

Dear Faculty/Staff and Students:
Over the past few days we have experienced brief, intermittent Internet outages that we have not been able to permananetly fix. We are working with the vendor's support organization to try and get this resolved as quickly as possible but it has been somewhat of a moving target now that the semester is back in session. We apologize for the inconvenience this is causing everyone and trust we will be able to report better news in the very near future.
TLU Information Technology

December 30th, 2009

Dear Faculty & Staff:
The new Lanier copier/printers have been installed by the folks from Knight Solutions as Lana announced below. TLU IT is now following behind and finishing up on the connectivity side.
-          Copier access codes should be loaded in all units by end of business today (12/30/09)
-          Scan to e-mail and folder address books are in the process of being loaded and should be complete by early next week if not before.
-          Scan to folder will be changed so that instead of going to an department “I” drive it will be sent to your personal “Y” drive under a folder called scanner. More information will be forthcoming on this change.
-          Anyone who used the old copier’s for printing will need to re-install the print driver since the old ones are no longer valid. The updated drivers are in the process of being made available.  Instructions on how to install the printer drivers from Windows can be found here:  http://tlu.tlu.edu/ishelp_copier_printer#install
-          Instructions for Mac users to print to the units in Tschoepe (2nd floor) , Fine Arts, and Beck (2nd floor) will be forthcoming.
If you have any connectivity related questions please let the Help desk know at ishelp@tlu.edu

Thanks for your patience,
William R. Senter
Director of Information Technology
Texas Lutheran University

December 11th, 2009

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students:
Many of you may have received an e-mail like the two samples below today. These are bogus and are only interested in getting people to send them valid e-mail accounts that can be used for additional spamming schemes! Please know that TLU will never ask you for your username and password via e-mail and we do not make these types of requests in any event.  If you have not already, delete these messages.
Thanks to all who reported it.
William R. Senter
Director of Information Technology
Texas Lutheran University

November 4th, 2009

Dear Students:
 This week, IRISLink was retired and replaced with a new web portal that we call MyTLU. You can reach the new portal by going directly to http://my.tlu.edu or by following the links from the TLU Intranet. MyTLU will be used for spring pre-registration and to check your grades at the end of the semester. Over time, additional functionality will follow. Take a minute and confirm that you can login to MyTLU to make sure you have access before registration week. Access is with your TLU network username and password. If you have trouble logging in let the Help Desk know so they can get it taken care of ( send an e-mail to ishelp@tlu.edu ).
Also, there are 2 MyTLU portal information sessions planed for students in the ASC this Thursday and Friday (November 5th and 6th) from 11am-1pm.  Thursday's session will be in the main Graf lounge and Friday's will be in the Fireside lounge.
TLU Information Technology

October 9th, 2009

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students:
Many of you received an e-mail like the one below last night. This is a scam!. Please know that TLU will never ask you for your username and password via e-mail. Please delete it if you have not already. While we feel we have a pretty good spam filter, invariably some will get through.
The purpose of the scam is to harvest real e-mail accounts to be used in additional spamming schemes. Thanks to all who reported it.
William R. Senter
Director of Information Technology
Texas Lutheran University
From: motoxrox@clear.net.nz on behalf of abuse@tlu.edu
Sent: Thu 10/8/2009 9:14 PM
To: postmaster
Subject: Dear tlu.edu
Dear tlu.edu,
We have noticed an unauthorized attempt to change your
tlu.edu password from a foreign IP. This
was going to result to your inability to access your account
due to the password change. If you
know you are the authorized owner of this account, kindly
reply by providing your original
username (*******) and PASSWORD (*******) so as to protect
your ID and password from unauthorized
Failure to do this will violate the tlu.edu email terms &
Thanks for using tlu.edu

October 5th, 2009

Dear Faculty & Staff:
As many of you know, we are in the final stage of a year-long process to replace our legacy SRN-Bi-Tech administrative software with Jenzabar. Many people in multiple departments have been involved and working hard on this project!  The scheduled cut-over to the new software will occur over fall break (Oct 15th, 16th). Between now and then however, a lot will need to happen so  I thought I would review what the schedule looks like (see below). It is important to note that there will be a period of time between the close of business Friday (October 9th) and the following week when regular administrative processing will be limited. This is normal during a conversion of this magnitude and while we realize it may cause an inconvenience we would appreciate your patience as we transition to the new software. You have already seen a note from Andrew Nelson in the Business Office regarding their operation during this time. Finally, once we do get on the new system there will be a period of adjustment as we work out “kinks” in the software or our business processes. This is also quite typical when so much is being changed. The good news is that we believe we will have a platform that can be built on for many years to come in order to  support the mission of TLU!
Current Jenzabar Schedule:
Oct 5 – “dress rehearsal” data conversion pass from legacy SRN system to Jenzabar
Oct 5th 5pm - Deadline for submitting check requests to the Business Office for processing this week (Friday October 9th)
Oct 5-9 - Final testing across the board
Oct 9th 5pm – Mid-term grade entry on IRISLink due (note: IRISLink will be available for students to view mid-term grades through 10/18)
Oct 9th post 5pm – Final data conversion pass from legacy system begins
Oct 9th post 5pm – Legacy SRN system put in “read-only” mode – no additional processing
Oct 11th  – Final converted data is loaded into Jenzabar
Oct 12th – 16th Jenzabar consultant on-site for final review/validation  with administrative departments
Oct 15th-16th – Jenzabar software is live and administrative processing resumes
Oct 19th – Jenzabar web portal is available for use.
Oct 19th – Check request processing from Business Office resumes regular schedule
Oct 19th-30 – Jenzabar web portal awareness for students
Oct 27th-Nov 2 – Jenzabar web portal training for faculty advisors
Nov 16th-20th – Pre-registration for Spring semester on Jenzabar web portal
TBD – Training for budget managers/directors on the new software
Additional updates will be sent out as we progress through the schedule both via e-mail and TLU Today.


August 13, 2009

Welcome back to campus! Over the summer,  the Information Technology  Help Desk has moved  from the ASC to the basement of the Blumberg Memorial Library.  Our hours have stayed the same (8am-5pm; Monday-Friday) but walk-in hours are on the following schedule until the beginning of the semester. You may always contact us by sending an e-mail to
ishelp@tlu.edu or calling 830-372-6000.
Walk-in Help Desk hours – Blumberg Memorial Library:

Thursday 8/13/09                     phone or e-mail only (building closed)
Friday 8/14/09                          10am-2pm
Monday 8/17/09                        10am-2pm
Tuesday 8/18/09                        8am-5pm
Wednesday 8/19/09                   8am-5pm
Thursday 8/20/09                       8am-5pm
Friday 8/21/09                           8am-5pm
Saturday 8/22/09                       8am-5pm
Sunday 8/23/09                         noon-5pm
Monday 8/24/09                         8am-5pm
Tuesday 8/25/09                        School begins – regular semester hours - 8am-5pm (M-F)

July 31, 2009

Many of you have reported receiving a message like the one below. This is a scam! TLU Information Technology will never ask you for your password via email. Please delete it if you have not already.  If by chance you have replied to this inadvertently please change your password! If you need help you may call our help desk at extension 6000.
This scam is sent out to harvest real accounts to be used in additional spamming schemes. Thanks to all who reported it.
Bill Senter

July 28th, 2009

Now that power has been restored, most TLU systems will be coming online now or shortly. Because the backup generator over at the ASC did not engage before the batteries drained on the battery backup there are a few systems that are going through preventative hardware checks as they come back up. Specifically the following systems will be delayed:
SRN system
faculty/staff/student: Y drives
Raiser's Edge
If you run across a specific problem with something not working like it should, let us know.

July 20th, 2009

Dear FacultyStaff:
  The Office 2007 training schedule for the last 2 weeks  of  July has been posted on the TLU Intranet at the link below. I would like to encourage those departments that have not yet taken advantage of these sessions to review these upcoming dates for training. While you are welcome to drop in on any of the sessions we do ask that any groups wanting training to contact the help desk at ishelp@tlu.edu to make your request ahead of time.  Training dates for August will be posted in about a week.   
Also remember that the Help Desk is now in the basement of the Blumberg Memorial Library! We are open 8am-5pm as always but drop-in hours are only available between 10am-2pm this summer session (when the library is open). For other times please contact us by phone (ext 6000) or e-mail ishelp@tlu.edu and we can make special arrangements to meet you.   

May 22, 2009

Dear Faculty & Staff:
The Help desk is in the process of moving to the Blumberg Library over the next few days.  This is the final part of a space consolidation project between Student Life and Information Technology begun almost 2 years ago! Our new offices will be on the north-west corner of the basement level and should be fully "open" for business on Monday June 1st. In the meantime, the best way to get a hold of the help desk is by e-mail (ishelp@tlu.edu) or by calling extension 6000.
Help desk office hours will continue to be 8am-5pm Monday through Friday. On days when the library is closed to the public the Help desk will respond to e-mail and telephone calls as usual.
As has been previously announced, TLU Information Technology will be upgrading campus computers to Microsoft Office 2007 for Windows (Office 2008 for Macintosh) over the summer. Starting in June, the Help desk will begin scheduling requests for upgrades in individual departments. Computer labs and classrooms will be upgraded during the course of the summer as they can be scheduled.  Because the "look and feel" of Office 2007 is a fairly significant change to our current 2003 version,  Rodrick Shao has put together a series of 1-hour (approximately) workshops for departments and individuals. These workshops will be repeated throughout the summer and are designed to get the TLU community better acquainted with the software. In addition, online Office training tools will be made available a bit later in the summer as well. TLU Information Technology strongly recommends all faculty and staff take advantage of  either or both of these opportunities.
Current workshop topics are listed below:
Transition Guide to Microsoft Office 2007
Word 2007
Excel 2007
PowerPoint 2007
Access 2007
Outlook 2007
Advanced topics (arranged as needed - contact rshao@tlu.edu for options)
Office training dates for May 27-30th (see link from the TLU IT Intranet for latest schedule)
Office training dates for week of June 1-5 (see link from the TLU IT Intranet for latest schedule)
TLU IT recommends that you contact the help desk ishelp@tlu.edu to let us know which session you would prefer attending. While it is ok to drop in we are trying to keep the sessions from getting too big for the best use of time. There should be enough opportunities throughout the summer for everyone. 


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