Helping Others
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- I plan on continuing to give 10% of my income to the church.
- When I have established myself as a well know physical therapist I
plan on starting a foundation for children with cerebral palsy. I really
would love to do this because of my cousin who has CP. I know how hard it is
to take care of and raise these children. Not only that but the treatment
for these children is very expensive. By helping these people I would feel
like I was helping out my cousin, since I was never able to.
- Through the church I plan on heading a mission trip to South
America to help build and re-build houses, and churches that really need
help. When I was 14 years old I was able to do this. I can remember the
smile on the peoples faces and the way it made me feel. To be able to do
this with other kids would really fulfill my life and make me whole again!
- There is much more I would like to do in my life to help the world but I
am only one man.
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