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TLU Experience | Travel | LV Signs | Flying | Technology

TLU Experience


     My experience here at TLU has been both challenging and rewarding. So far I've completed 54 hours here at TLU and to graduate with my current degree plan, I will need 154 or more. My accounting classes have been the hardest, especially Intermediate Accounting with professor Huntsman. I've learned a lot of new things so far, and I've met a lot of very nice people. Everyone on campus always seems friendly and willing to help if you have a problem. I always seem to have a lot of homework, however, somehow I manage to eventually get it done. If there's one thing I still do have a problem with though, it's procrastinating. I've gotten better at it this past year, as a lot of my friends always constantly bug me just to get my work done. When all is done here, I hope to have my CPA license and be a public accountant. I think going to TLU was probably one of the best decisions I could make in my life, as it has to be the most friendly and enjoyable university to be at.
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     If there's one thing I absolutely love to do, It's to travel. I love the feeling of being able to just escape to somewhere you've never been and see new things.  No matter what, you can always find something new in the world by driving or flying to somewhere new. Although I haven't traveled around a lot yet, in the future I hope to go overseas and visit different countries instead of just the United States. So far I've flown to Hawaii for a week and a half to visit and enjoy the beautiful islands. I've also driven from here to California for a week long road trip with my friend Lee, where we "accidentally" stayed in Las Vegas for a few too many nights. Most recently, I drove to Colorado with my girlfriend and my other friend josh and his girlfriend. It was quite an experience. No matter where I go, there's always something memorable that comes along, that I know that I would never be able to forget. Just this last time in Colorado, we took a wrong turn, actually we thought it was a shortcut, and we ended up going through snow covered mountains where we couldn't even see the roads, wondering if we were going to end up running out of gas. Not a great feeling when you can barely control your vehicle in the first place, but still an awesome experience!

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LV Signs


     Probably the one thing I spend the most of my time doing besides school work, is working at LV Signs. It is a company I started in 2003, and I have been expanding it ever since. I started off creating small simple signs, usually one or two colors, and sold these custom signs to local businesses for real estate, construction, etc.... Since then, I've added two employees to the business that work while I'm not around, and we also started expanding our product offerings. This last year we added the capability to print full color banners, signs, vehicle graphics, and even wallpaper to our list of services. Since I commute back and forth to TLU, I come home every afternoon, and pretty much go over everything and work on orders. Sometimes it wont be too busy so I can simply work on homework, but other times, I'll be there until 2 or 3 in the morning. We're also about to begin expanding our market from Texas to throughout the United States with a new feature on our website. The new online sign design tool will allow our customers will be able to login and design there own signs, get a custom estimate, and pay and submit their order, all without every needing to speak to either myself, or an associate. Altogether, it's been a very fun experience and rewarding at the same time. I'm not saying that it's what I'm going to do with my life, but I think it's given me a good background into the world of business, and has definitely helped me in my life.

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     Flying has to be the one thing I've always been excited about. Just this last year I started my training to become a licensed pilot and as of today, I am about 75 percent done with my training to get my private pilot's license. It has been quite an adventure so far. Luckily enough however, I haven't had any emergencies or major problems (besides one really bad landing and also one time hitting a bird). My first solo flight I made was this January, and I don't think I could've been any more nervous than I was. Afterwards though, it was both a relief and an amazing accomplishment. I was almost in shock that I was the guy that had complete control of the airplane the entire time and did everything perfectly correct in order to take-off and land the plane. So, that had to be one of the most enjoyable experiences thus far in my training. Next comes cross country flights where I'll have to fly by myself to another nearby state and come back.  .... now that should be interesting.

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     Another one of my hobbies deals with technology. Ever since I was just a little kid I was always amazed by anything that had wires. Anything that I could get my hands on, I would take apart and try to figure out how it worked. As I got older and computers were becoming more popular, I started sitting in front of them for hours on end seeing what I could do. Of course there wasn't really anything I could do because DOS was the only operating system available at the time. Eventually Microsoft Windows came about, and everyone started installing it on there machines. Well, throughout the years I had always kept up to date with how to work the various operating systems and how to fix anything that could go wrong. In my high school years, I used computers for everything, from web design, to video production. For a few years, I even sold and produced "memory" videos for people and there families (basically a compilation of there photos and videos). My friends and I would even make short films and music videos with the help of the more complex editing software that was being released. As of today, I would say I'm very good with computers as I manage three area businesses local networks, and currently manage a Microsoft Exchange server on each one. I have also created 5 or 6 websites throughout the past few years for different organizations and companies, most of which I host myself locally. I've always been a person to keep on top of technology and always read about the newest and greatest, and I really can't wait to see what's developed next!

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