Helping Others





My Family






Helping Others



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          I find that helping out the community is very important, and this is an opinion that I've held my entire life.  I have worked in many service organizations, including ones that I have taken part in here at Texas Lutheran.  I am currently the vice president of the TLU Lions Club.  We have performed several community fundraisers and service projects in order to help out those all around the world.  We specialize in helping those who have become blind or are seeing impaired in some way.  Some of these events include White Cane Days and the Sight First program.

          There is so much in this world that has become a problem, including the damage to the ecosystem and an overall decline in morals.  By doing things such as recycling and picking up trash on the highways, I do what I can to the contribution to the betterment of the earth.  By living as a Christian, I show myself as an example to bring back morals which seem as a distant past to many.