mi familia





Candelaria  Izabel 

This beautiful little girl is my Candelaria.  She is 2 years old but will be turning 3 in July.  She is the most important person in my life besides my boyfriend.  She is what keeps me going everyday.  She motivates and inspires me to do my best.

She is at that stage of her life where she is constantly getting into everything.  She is head strong and has a little attitude (I have no idea where she gets that from) .  She is a daddy's girl  when she doesn't get her way with me and a mama's girl when she doesn't get her way with him.  She does the cutest things sometimes when she has already worked your last nerve. 

  I have seen her grow from just a newborn to a toddler.  She learns something new and grows a little more each day.  She is my daughter and I love her. 


This is my wonderful boyfriend.  He is a good man, a wonderful father and my best friend.  In every relationship there will be some ups and downs and we've had our share, but we work through it and we are stronger because of it. 

He works hard for his family and I appreciate him more than he'll ever know.  I could tell him everyday how I feel and sometimes he just doesn't believe me.  If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be able to accomplish my goals.  He is there to catch me when I fall and helps me get back up. 

He is my everything and I want the world to know I love him. 


Maricela and Julissa

My older sister and my younger sister.  The two best friends that anyone could ask for.  They are there when I  need to laugh, cry, yell and scream and even when I want to throw things.  They will be there to make fun of me later and tell me how funny I looked and what kind a stupid things I was saying.  I do the same for them and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Who else would I be able to fight with and then laugh with in the same minute.  They are always there when I need them.  If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be the middle sister (haha).  We are all so busy now that I feel that I don't have any time for them.  I do try to find time to hangout with them when I am at my busiest.  Sometimes I feel as if they get put on the back burner and  I hope that they understand  that's not what I'm trying to do.  If it wasn't for them I really don't know where I would be. 

Even though sometimes I want to trade them in, I wouldn't want anyone else.  They are my blood, they are my sisters and I love them. 


This is my Papi.  He has always been there for me and my two sisters.  And he will always be there for us.  He loves his grandchildern and they just love him to.

He has taught us responsibility, good work ethic, and a lot of other good qualities.  We have learned a lot from him and now that we have childern, we can take what he showed us and apply it to our kids. 

He is my rock and I love him.


Agustin Antonio

This is my cute little nephew.  He is going to be turning 4 in February.  He loves Spider-Man.  Lala and Agustin spend a lot of time together.  He likes to come over in the mornings and watch SpongeBob with Lala before we have to take them to daycare. 

He is the cutest little thing. I love mu little man.





I can never get a good pic of Joe.  And I haven't found any good design to compliment him.  So no pic for ya'll to see.  I figured I would just using his sign for now.


He is the best brother-in-law that any one could ask for.  He is likes to mess with me about the way I am and when we get together we like to make fun of Mari.  He is an awesome cook and a good friend.  I am glad he is part of my familia. 

I love him like a fat kid loves cake!!






you came down now go back up
