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Computer Labs:

LL05 - Beck Center, lower level room # 5: (24 workstations) + 1 instructor station [Instructional Lab]*

LL06 – Beck Center, lower level room # 6: (12 workstations) + 1 instructor station [Instructional Lab]*

ASC Lab A- ASC room # 118: (6 workstations) [Students lab]*

MUSIC Lab - Fine Arts # 131: (7 workstations) [Instructional Lab]*

RESOURCE LEARNING Lab – Tschoepe Hall, upper level room # 254: (3 workstations) [Students lab]*

BLUMBERG LIBRARY Lab - Blumberg Library, Lower Level (20 workstations) + 1 instructor [faculty/ Staff lab]

Public Computers

Note: Students, faculty and staff can access public computers at Blumberg Library, 1st level, and at ASC building

*Note: Deep Freeze software has been installed in all workstation in order to protect the hard-drive. Once the computer is restarted, all installed personal program will be lost/ or removed automatically.