1 Texas Lutheran University Intranet - Submit Your News
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Submit Your News

Today @ TLU is not just a newsletter; it’s a resource for marketing opportunities, communication efforts and TLU publications. Receiving information straight from the source (YOU) is a great way for us to stay on top of the latest events, accomplishments and announcements. Your news provides us with stories, which allow us to promote TLU in the media and reach prospective students and guests.

Please read the following guidelines and submission notes carefully. Send all submissions to today@tlu.edu by noon the day before your event. This deadline is to ensure the campus will see your submission and give them time to plan to attend.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Please include your name and contact information with your submission. Include full names, job titles of all faculty/staff, and grade levels and majors of all students mentioned. Alumni graduation years should be included as well.

  • Submit text in the body of your email, not as an attachment, unless absolutely necessary.

  • If attaching an image to your submission, include a caption listing all names, where the photograph was taken or the subject of the photograph. Attachments cannot exceed a total of 4 MB.

  • Remember to spell check and fact check your submission. This means double-check dates, times and spellings of names.

  • Please write your submission exactly as it should be published. Submissions may be edited for length or clarity.

  • All submissions are edited for AP style. An official TLU Style Guide will be available.

NOTE: Submissions will be published at the discretion of the editor. Not all submissions will be published the next day, but will be published in a timely and appropriate manner.

Types of submissions:

News: honors, professional development, internships, etc. Write “News” in the subject line of your email.

Announcements: daily operation notes, off-campus opportunities, athletic event absences, etc. Classifieds will not be published. Write “Announcement” in the subject line of your email.

Calendar: who, what, when, where event listings. Check www.tlu.edu/calendar before submitting a calendar event to make sure your event has not already been posted. Please include a description of your event. Calendar listings should generally include only those events where anyone in the TLU community is invited.  Listings are at the discretion of the editor. Write “Calendar” in the subject line of your email.

Group meetings: The first meeting of the semester for a particular group will be announced, but not subsequent meetings.  The meetings may be listed in the Calendar. Write “Announcement” or “Calendar” in the subject line depending on submission.

Death notices: Please send all Death notices to marcom@tlu.edu where they will be disseminated via campus-wide email, if appropriate.


Please direct all questions to today@tlu.edu, or call marketing communications at 830-372-8049.


Thank you.

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