Helping Others

I have been involved with my church for many years. I have done many hours of community service. If there was one thing i noticed that really helped the people in the community, it was showing that you cared in any possible way. Where my church is located at there are not the nicest houses or the best living conditions. To people who do not know the area, it looks like it would be a place to stay away at evening hours. But my church has gone out into the community to give help, and they come to the church for help as well. Many people come to the church asking for food, money, or anything we can give them. There is a community like this in every city and country around the world.

I would help in any way possible in any community. Giving food to those who do not make enough money to buy food regularly. Or if I was doing community service with a church, maybe we could work out a way to give them a roof over their head or to help build houses for those having trouble with paying for a house. Also opening a day care within the church would help with working parents, so they could drop their kids off and not worry about having to leave their kids alone. All these things I have done in my own community and I'm sure they would be beneficial to other communities as well.




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