Plan A Meeting

Plan a Meeting feature allows you to create a new meeting and invite others to attend. Attendees will have the option to accept or decline the invitation to the meeting or offer alternative time.

Note: This feature will only work properly if everybody (ie the person sending the invitation and the people receiving invitation) is using Outlook.

  1. To create a new meeting, click on the Calendar button in left Navigation Pane and go to Actions > Plan a Meeting... (Figure 6).

    Figure 1
    Action menu in Calendar section

  2. The Plan a Meeting dialog box (Figure 6) will appear. The left pane shows All Attendees and the right pane shows the calendar in Day View. Click the button Add Others and choose Add from Address Book ... from the drop down menu.

    Figure 2
    Plan a Meeting dialog box

  3. The Select Attendees and Resources dialog box (Figure 6) will appear. Click the drop down menu to access contacts from your personal folder. Select the desired name(s) from the list and choose one of the three buttons in screen shot below.
    • Required for persons that must attend
    • Optional for persons who invited to attend but can choose not to attend
    • Resources to select resources you wish to use for the meeting.
  4. Click OK when finished selecting attendees.


  5. Select meeting start and end time by clicking the drop down menus for the date and time.
  6. Click Make Meeting.
  7. A new Meeting message (Figure 6) will appear which very similar to a regular mail message. Type a message and when finished, click Send.


  8. Attendees will receive a mail message in their Inbox. They can choose to Accept, Decline, Tentative or counter offer with a different time. Once they choose an option, a return message will be sent to you with their reply. In the example below, the attendee chose to accept the meeting (Figure 6). Once the Attendee has accepted, the meeting will be placed on his/her calendar.

    Figure 6
    Inbox with an accepted meeting message

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